In the most absurd article I have ever come across in my life, was the recent article about alleged Philadelphia Mob Boss Joey Merlino.  

The Buffalo Chronicle, which is akin to the National Enquirer, run by a failed political wannabee,  is asserting that Joey Merlino helped fix ballots in the Presidential race, for of all people Joe Biden, and is willing to "rat" out Biden in favor of Donald Trump.  Yes, you read that correctly.   What's more absurd in the age of fake news all over social media, Trump supporters and friends alike or so incredibly desperate to have Trump continue on as the scourge of society, that they have been willing to make up some wild stories, but this one, perhaps, is the most absurd one I have seen.

So absurd, that Larry McShane covered it.  A seasoned reporter fell for it.  The New York Post, reached out to Joey's attorney's asking about the article.   Does anyone stop and just think anymore?  What's perhaps most absurd about it, is that Joey doesn't live in Philadelphia, and to my knowledge favors Trump.  So why on any planet, would he get himself involved in something like that?  He wouldn't.  From beginning to end the entire article was riddled with lies.  They have opened themselves up for a big lawsuit, when you consider the amount of federal crimes that the unnamed author of that article alleges, if I am Joey, I don't waste time cashing that check, cause it would be a big one.   To further push the bullshit, Trump's little friendly attorney retweeted the lies, hoping it would gain traction and it has.  It's all over Twitter, Tick Tock, Facebook, and I'm sure by now Reddit.

Its pretty vulgar to say the least that a bs news service which accepts 3rd party stories without any credibility can boldly just print what they want, but this is 2020 and this is how things operate these days.  The mere fact a soul bought any of it, shows you how desperate in many ways Trump believers are in outright lies.  Political assimilation aside,  it's repugnant.  A few things they said, angered me, but this is what these weirdos and lunatics do.  The one thing that sent me over the moon, in laughter was the park ranger comments.  Can you imagine?  Take the Philadelphia mafia, add a spice of The Sopranos episode when Christopher and Paulie get lost in the woods after trying to whack the Czechoslovakian  "interior decorator," and put them in Park Ranger outfits.  Can you imagine that shit? It shows you how ridiculous this all is, but what's more sickening is these lunatics believing it.

I can laugh like everyone else about the lies, it's funny in a way, but Joey ratting?  Never.  That's not him, never will be him, and that's a pretty disgusting thing to say about someone, especially when Trump, has a long history of dropping dimes on people, and they can't seem to come to terms with that notion at all.  This isn't about Trump, it's about society and how people get rope a doped into believing whatever they are spoon fed.  As I told someone in Philadelphia, "they would blame Joey for killing Hoffa if they thought for one second they could," and that's the truth.  

Let me tell you this.  Joey is cut from a cloth, that many aren't.  Any assertion that Joey under any circumstances, would ever talk about anyone or anything is pretty obnoxious.   I guess whomever wrote the article didn't have the balls to put his name and for good reason.  It's easy to hide behind a paragraph isn't it?  Not to say anyone cares what this dope had to say, but to make up your own reality, and pick Joey out of a hat, is pretty amazing to me.  Shame on that page, and shame on Larry McShane who during the Merlino trial blasted Joey, then somehow turned around and went after Rubeo just a few weeks ago, and now turns around and is "propelling the story."   Either it's a slow week for him, or he's stupider than I thought.  I hinge on stupid.

In either case, welcome to America 2020 edition, where lies are the truth, and the truth is a lie.
