I don't know what it is about this pandemic, but every single rat in the history of the mob seems to be rooting their heads out of the sand for a quick amount of money.

Never mind that most of these pukes actually wrote books, and when asked questions completely reverse what they've said previously.

This weeks idiot, is Phil Leonetti, self proclaimed high earner, self proclaimed tough guy, self proclaimed whatever.  The first question I want to pose to all of you is this.  Take away Nicky Scarfo is Leonetti even a speck on the radar?  Nope.  One of the more interesting things Phil has done over the last decade or more is blame everyone else for his problems.  "My uncle, my uncle."  At what point does a man just accept responsibility for his own actions?  For once Phil kinda did, which shocked the heck out of me.  Of course however, it was after he pulled the "my uncle" bit about 20 times.

A few things I took away from the laughable interview was that Phil fails to mention a few things.  He fails to mention to full capacity his deal, or lack of truth to his deal.  First, he didn't run to the F.B.I. until after he got hammered with a 40 year term.  His claims, that that F.B.I. wanted him to wait until after his sentencing is complete and utter bullshit and garbage.  That wasn't the case, rather the opposite.   Phil was sentenced and within a day of that sentencing was calling the F.B.I. from prison crying over his sentence.   He has also claimed that he never asked the F.B.I. for help with any sort of sentence reduction.  Also a huge lie.  First of all, nobody rats, nobody informs without the understanding that they will receive a sentence reduction.  Salvatore Gravano, who Phil claims is a "good man, great guy," got 5 years for 19 murders.   Phil?  Ten murders, 5 years.  So let's not play around with the idea that Phil became an informant because he found Jesus.  He did it for the same reasons everyone else does, they don't want to do jail time.

On the backdrop of this, it's alleged that Phil stole somewhere between $2-4 million dollars from his uncle Nicky.  It's also been all but confirmed that he did in fact steal money, because one of the deals he made with the feds is that he could at least keep $1,000,000 of that when he entered Witness Protection.  He would further claim in his interview that Nicky was never sent to Atlantic City for any other reason then Nicky wanted to go.  Not true.  In fact, it was Angelo Bruno who threw Nicky out of south Philadelphia for multiple reasons, including a butter knife murder in the Oregon diner.  It's the opposite of what Leonetti stated in his book.  In his book he stated the exact reasons for why Nicky was tossed out of south Philadelphia, but somehow I guess over the years Leonetti has changed and woven his story to suit his own needs.  Several statements he made in this interview were polar opposite of his book.  Can't keep the story straight pallie?

He talked shit about everyone, you know except Joe Ligambi.  One of the more funny moment to me, was the lies he told about Joey Merlino robbing a house in broad daylight for jewelry.  As if, murdering someone is somewhat better than robbing a house.  He called Joey a lowlife, and trash. When prodded if he knew Joey, he said no, never met him, didn't know him, he was younger than me.  So then how does he know anything about him, that he can verifiably report?  The answer is he can't, and he's making it up.   If he heard those types of things, during his time as a rat, then why not tell the feds that too?  They are supposed to report all crimes they have direct knowledge of.  Why didn't he tell the feds Angelo Bruno was a drug dealer?  Must have slipped his mind, or you know, none of it is accurate.    He claims he called Joey "Jose."   Wait, I thought you never met him, didn't know him, so how can you call him a name when you never met the guy?  Those are his words, not mine.

Phil Leonetti makes a wild claim he was to testify against John Gotti, but because Sammy did such a good job they didn't need him.  Another falsehood.  The feds will use whatever testimony they can get to clamp someone down for life, and you think that the addition of Leonetti wouldn't help that cause, of course it would.  This is another rat, hell bent on using the name GOTTI to propel himself into the mainstream of mob genre name recognition.  I have serious doubts about much of what Leonetti has to say.  And for Salvie Testa?  This is where it gets deep....

Leonetti has changed his story a dozen times on Testa.  He has said on previous interviews he wouldn't kill Testa, wouldn't have anything to do with it.  He's often said he wanted to warn him but couldn't.  In this interview, he sets the scene where multiple times he was going to do it.  Had the gun, had the location and each time lost his nerve, but visions of his grandma kept him from doing the job,. That's completely different then the story he's told in his book, completely different than previous interviews.  The bottom line is, Phil Leonetti is full of shit.

I saw many of the comments underneath the interview, and they were revolting.  It never ceases to amaze me, how many people worship these tattle tales.  Everyone wants to know a real gangster, they want to say hello, get said hello to.  These aren't gangsters, they are weak, shallow, gutless men.  Borello, Ruggiano, Leonetti, Arilotta,  Gravano, aren't exactly honest.  They are weak, soft, and cowards.  They inflate stories, make themselves out to be a character you have read about in history, but at the end of the day, they are punks.  They don't have any redeeming qualities.  As I have often said, people get fooled very easily because they are too lazy to just invest time to look up the information for themselves.  Don't buy this, we've found God bullshit.  Don't buy the, it's about the youth, and about supporting the police and local charities.  Don't buy any of it.  Don't even listen to me, do yourself a favor invest ten minutes into looking into any one of those unmentionable pricks, and you'll find out the truth, as most of us have.



  1. You said it all Jeff without his uncle he wouldn't have been anything. Except for the shithead he is.


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